Thursday, September 18, 2008

Documentary Showcase

Lately, I've been watching more documentaries than usual. In most cases, it's easier to make a documentary, which means there are ALOT of them out there, and sometimes it's tough to find really good ones. Through the beauty of Netflix however, we found two that were particularly interesting and perhaps maybe not that well-known.

Monster Camp is about a live action role playing game organization in Seattle. Let me tell you, if you are down on your luck about being a geek, check this little gem out and maybe you won't feel so bad. It's about people who escape to another world...for real. Very interesting and cool film.

Check out the trailer:


Caution: Bummer Alert

The Bridge tells the stories of a few people that have committed suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Did you know that the Golden Gate Bridge is the #1 place in the world where people go to kill themselves? The filmmaker basically took four Cannon XL1's with the sweet lenses to shoot the bridge every day for an entire year and caught 24 people on camera as they willingly plunged to their deaths. Deeply disturbing or viscerally fascinating? I think both, but you can decide for yourself.

1 comment:

The Cheesiest said...

I was looking at this on Netflix, i was wondering if it would be worth it, i guess will see.
Like the page, now we can have a place to be extra dorky, like i needed another thing to waste time on my computer with. I shall return often bearing trinkets of Geekdom for all to enjoy.